Column (component)

Component that defines the attributes of table column.



The horizontal alignment of the table cell content.

type: enum('left'|'center'|'right')


Controls if the column is fixed when scrolling in the X axis.

type: bool defaultValue: false


Controls if the column is fixed to the right side of the table when scrolling in the X axis.

type: bool defaultValue: false


The header cell for this column. This can either be a string a React element, or a function that generates a React Element. Passing in a string will render a default header cell with that string. By default, the React element passed in can expect to receive the following props:

props: { columnKey: string // (of the column, if given) height: number // (supplied from the Table or rowHeightGetter) width: number // (supplied from the Column) }

Because you are passing in your own React element, you can feel free to pass in whatever props you may want or need.

If you pass in a function, you will receive the same props object as the first argument.

type: union(node|func)


This is the body cell that will be cloned for this column. This can either be a string a React element, or a function that generates a React Element. Passing in a string will render a default header cell with that string. By default, the React element passed in can expect to receive the following props:

props: { rowIndex; number // (the row index of the cell) columnKey: string // (of the column, if given) height: number // (supplied from the Table or rowHeightGetter) width: number // (supplied from the Column) }

Because you are passing in your own React element, you can feel free to pass in whatever props you may want or need.

If you pass in a function, you will receive the same props object as the first argument.

type: union(node|func)

This is the footer cell for this column. This can either be a string a React element, or a function that generates a React Element. Passing in a string will render a default header cell with that string. By default, the React element passed in can expect to receive the following props:

props: { columnKey: string // (of the column, if given) height: number // (supplied from the Table or rowHeightGetter) width: number // (supplied from the Column) }

Because you are passing in your own React element, you can feel free to pass in whatever props you may want or need.

If you pass in a function, you will receive the same props object as the first argument.

type: union(node|func)


This is used to uniquely identify the column, and is not required unless you a resizing columns. This will be the key given in the onColumnResizeEndCallback on the Table.

type: union(string|number)

width (required)

The pixel width of the column.

type: number


If this is a resizable column this is its minimum pixel width.

type: number


If this is a resizable column this is its maximum pixel width.

type: number


The grow factor relative to other columns. Same as the flex-grow API from Basically, take any available extra width and distribute it proportionally according to all columns' flexGrow values. Defaults to zero (no-flexing).

type: number


Whether the column can be resized with the FixedDataTableColumnResizeHandle. Please note that if a column has a flex grow, once you resize the column this will be set to 0.

This property only provides the UI for the column resizing. If this is set to true, you will need to set the onColumnResizeEndCallback table property and render your columns appropriately.

type: bool


Whether the column can be dragged to reorder.

type: bool


Whether cells in this column can be removed from document when outside of viewport as a result of horizontal scrolling. Setting this property to true allows the table to not render cells in particular column that are outside of viewport for visible rows. This allows to create table with many columns and not have vertical scrolling performance drop. Setting the property to false will keep previous behaviour and keep cell rendered if the row it belongs to is visible.

type: bool defaultValue: false


Flag to enable performance check when rendering. Stops the component from rendering if none of it's passed in props have changed

type: bool