v0.6 API Migration

The FixedDataTable v0.6 release deprecated a large number of APIs in an effort to simplify its use and increase flexibility. The changes come under two major areas, customizable cell rendering and flexible data sources.

Quick Overview

Here is a quick list of what has been removed and how to upgrade:


  • rowGetter - Provide data directly via the cell on each Column.
  • headerDataGetter - Provide data directly via the header on each Column.
  • footerData - Provide data directly via the footer on each Column.
  • footerDataGetter - Provide data directly via the header on each Column.


  • dataKey - The FixedDataTable no longer needs this but it can be provided on the cell if required for user code.
  • cellRenderer - Replaced with the cell API, it supports either a React Element or a function.
  • cellClassName - This can be set directly on the cell element.
  • label - Replaced with the header API, it supports either a React Element or a function.
  • headerRenderer - Replaced with the header API, it supports either a React Element or a function.
  • headerClassName - This can be set directly on the header element.
  • footerRenderer - Replaced with the footer API, it supports either a React Element or a function.
  • footerClassName - This can be set directly on the footer element.
  • cellDataGetter - Provide data directly via the cell.
  • columnData - Provide data directly via the cell.


  • label - Replaced with the header API, it supports either a React Element or a function.
  • groupHeaderRenderer - Replaced with the header API, it supports either a React Element or a function.
  • columnGroupData - Provide data directly via the cell.

Customizable Cell Rendering

In previous versions of FixedDataTable, it was possible to customize what was rendered into a cell via the cellRenderer prop but it was very limited at what could changed as the cellRenderer would always wrap the content with a default cell and this default cell could only be customizable in limited ways via column props like cellClassName. A typical Column config would look like:

const {Column} = require('fixed-data-table-2'); function renderLink(cellData) { return <a href="#">{cellData}</a>; } const MyColumn = ( <Column label="Email" dataKey="email" cellRenderer={renderLink} cellClassName="my-class" width={200} /> );

The current FixedDataTable version provides the new API's cell, header and footer for Columns to render data. These API's will no longer wrap the content in a default cell, if the FixedDataTable default styles are needed you can use the new Cell component or your own optimized Cell.

To render static content provide a React Element. FixedDataTable will pass through any positional props needed to render the cell:

const {Column, Cell} = require('fixed-data-table-2'); const MyColumn = ( <Column header={<Cell>Email</Cell>} cell={<Cell className="my-class">Static content</Cell>} width={200} /> );

More likely you will want to provide different content per row in a column, this is possible via creating a React Component and handling any necessary logic to get data based on the rowIndex. When rendered the Cell will receive the props rowIndex, width, height plus any other props provided when initializing the Cell component in the Column config:

const {Column, Cell} = require('fixed-data-table-2'); class MyDataFetchingCell extends React.Component { render() { var {rowIndex, field, ...props} = this.props; return ( <Cell {...props}> content: {this._getMyDataForIndex(rowIndex, field)} </Cell> ); } _getMyDataForIndex(index, field) { ... } } const MyColumn = ( <Column header={<Cell>Email</Cell>} cell={<MyDataFetchingCell field="email" />} width={200} /> );

The cell prop can also accept render functions. This works well a simple Cell that renders based on the parents state or props is needed:

const {Column, Cell} = require('fixed-data-table-2'); const MyColumn = ( <Column header={<Cell>Email</Cell>} cell={({rowIndex, ...props}) => ( <Cell {...props}> content: {getMyDataForIndex(rowIndex)} </Cell> )} width={200} /> );

Flexible Data Sources

Previously FixedDataTable needed to own the data required to render the table, this data was provided via the rowGetter prop. Cells would then be given the relevant data based on the dataKey and would render the cell only if the data changed. A typical setup would look like this:

const {Table, Column} = require('fixed-data-table-2'); const rows = [ {name: 'Sally', email: 'sally@gmail.com'}, // .... and more ]; function rowGetter(index) { return rows[index]; }, const MyTable = ( <Table rowGetter={rowGetter} rowsCount={rows.length} rowHeight={50} width={1000} height={500}> <Column label="Email" dataKey="email" width={200} /> </Table> );

This API was very inflexible for different data setups since all data needed to provided to the top level rowGetter. With the current FixedDataTable version we have removed the need to provide any data, instead the user is responsible for passing any required data around.

There are a number of options to consume data depending on the application. For simple use cases the required data can be passed to the cell directly via props and for more complex use cases the Cells themselves can request any required data from a data layer and update over time via subscriptions.

Example basic usage:

const {Table, Column, Cell} = require('fixed-data-table-2'); const rows = [ {name: 'Sally', email: 'sally@gmail.com'}, // .... and more ]; class MyCell extends React.Component { render() { var {rowIndex, data, field, ...props} = this.props; return ( <Cell {...props}> {data[rowIndex][field]} </Cell> ); } } const MyTable = ( <Table rowsCount={rows.length} rowHeight={50} width={1000} height={500}> <Column header={<Cell>Email</Cell>} cell={<MyCell data={rows} field="email" />} width={200} /> </Table> );

More Information

For more information see the updated examples or API docs.